Dajana's ME/CFS recovery


Dr. Martina Melzer, published: 05/18/2023


It's 2017, and Dajana Richter is in the middle of her sports studies, pushing herself hard and never taking a break. Then she catches a viral infection. She goes to her parents to recover from the infection. But she can't get back on her feet. The flu like symptoms remain. Other symptoms appear. She visits doctors. Without success. After two years, the first diagnosis: Hashimoto's, an autoimmune disease of the thyroid gland. She takes medication, but it doesn't help. A short time later, she receives a second diagnosis: ME/CFS. And then another: ulcerative colitis, a chronic inflammatory bowel disease.

In the video interview, Dajana tells how she recovered from ME/CFS. Her Hashimoto's and ulcerative colitis have also now been cured! Please note: The video is in German.
To watch with English subtitle please go to the settings button, activate the subtitle in your language, go back to it, choose "automatic translation" and then choose your language.


Or listen on Spotify or Anchor (German):


Key points of her recovery :

        Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/healingwithrocdoc38/

  • A time out on an organic farm with llamas in Switzerland led her to mindfulness and meditation. The week of fasting there didn't do her any good, but the connection to the animals and nature helped her regain trust in her body.
  • She tried different diets. Ultimately, she found her own form of nutrition, which she calls "Mindful Organic Nutrition." This diet combines an anti-inflammatory diet with the elements of mindfulness. Nutrition was an important building block toward recovery.
  • The Gupta program helped her toward recovery. She did it for six months and says, "It was an important piece of the puzzle in my healing journey."
  • She set goals, which she then gradually implemented. So the mindset was also important.
  • She worked up a lot from childhood and relationships, questioned beliefs, dealt with personality development, asked herself "who do I want to be?", "where and how do I want to live?". So, among other things, she decided to move to the island of Rab in Croatia with her dog, where she offers retreats and more.
  • Whenever she was by the sea, she noticed that she felt much better. "The sea did me so much good". After several stays by the sea, she decided to learn and use thalasso therapy herself, to harness the healing power of the sea - another very important component in her recovery journey.
  • She ended the struggle between her body and the symptoms, learned to accept the situation, but not to give up.
  • The meditations of Laura Maria Seiler and Joe Dispenza did her good.


Dajana's message: ME/CFS is curable. She quotes Oscar Wilde: "In the end, all will be well, and if it is not well, it is not yet the end."

Dajana Richter is a health and exercise scientist, nutritionist, mindfulness and meditation teacher, health coach (for people with fatigue disorders such as ME/CFS and autoimmune diseases), thalasso therapy practitioner and gut immune therapist.

Here's how to find Dajana Richter:


Instagram: @dajana.food.body.soul

Translated with the help of DeepL


Also, the content on this page is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for talking to your doctor or other therapist. Please talk to your doctor or therapist before making any decisions about your physical or mental health. Every way into a mind-body syndrome is something individual, and every way out.