Recovery: What role does your mindset play?

Dr. Martina Melzer, published: 09/25/23

Important notes in advance:

  • In so-called mind-body syndromes, abnormalities are often found in special examinations, but there is usually no organ or tissue damage.
  • Always have new symptoms thoroughly clarified by a doctor. It may be mind-body syndrome, but it may also be another disease, or it may be a combination of both.

Can you get better if you don't believe in it strongly? If you are not willing to change things, to take your health into your own hands, to become active yourself? If you give up after setbacks instead of continuing? I don't think so. That's why mindset is such an important component in your recovery journey. Also important: stress management.

Tips on how to focus your mindset on recovery

  • Find affirmations like, "I'm getting well," "Healing energy fills every cell in my body," "My body knows how to heal itself, I trust it," "My recovery is a top priority," "Healing is within me."  Post them prominently or save them to your phone.
  • Create a vision board or similar on which you summarize all the things you want to do when you are well again. Look at it regularly.  
  • Watch or listen to recovery stories or read books by people who have overcome their illnesses. Sources: Raelan Agle, Heal with Liz, The Chronic Comeback, my English site.
  • Take your recovery into your own hands. Become empowered. Have faith. Have a healthy optimism (which does not mean to think only positively and to block out everything negative and unpleasant!)
  • Set reasonable goals.
  • See setbacks as part of your recovery journey. Learn from them.
  • Don't give up.

stress management

Why is stress management important? Because mind-body syndromes are stress-related diseases!


The most important tips to better manage everyday stress:


  • Find out the biggest stressors in your life - professional, private, in your environment, in yourself and think about which ones you can switch off
  • Find inner and outer resources that help you to keep your nerves when you are stressed and to get the feeling: I can cope with this.
  • Are unsolvable problems really unsolvable? Go through the problem step by step, pros and cons, why is it a problem, why does it bother you, what is behind it, what can you do about it, who can help you?
  • Can you evaluate certain situations differently?
  • What are the biggest time wasters in your life?
  • Where can you hand over responsibility and accept help?
  • Prioritize tasks according to urgency and importance
  • Make sure you have enough relaxation and time for yourself


Translated with the help of a translator program

Important: The statements in this text are the result of my research from scientific studies, professional articles, books, courses, education and training as well as my own recovery process. I have done the best possible research, but nevertheless make no claim to accuracy. In science, something is considered a hypothesis until it is clearly proven (or disproven). That is then evidence, a fact. The statements in this text are a combination of hypotheses and facts.

Also, the content on this page is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for talking to your doctor or other therapist. Please talk to your doctor or therapist before making any decisions about your physical or mental health. Every way into a mind-body syndrome is something individual, and every way out.