Anne's long Covid & ME/CFS recovery

Dr. Martina Melzer, published: 07/02/24


Anne has fully recovered from Post Covid Syndrome and ME/CFS. What helped her in particular: Qigong

Anne's Covid infection was initially mild. Then she develops myocarditis. She recovers from it. Wants to start working again. But that doesn't work. She feels exhaustion, brain fog, palpitations. After six months, it is clear: she has long Covid and ME/CFS.

She quickly starts thinking about what can help her get out of it. She started to change her diet, applied techniques from traditional chinese medicine, did pacing and calmed her nervous system with qigong. She is a qigong teacher. Her symptoms improve, she goes to a naturopathy hospital and undergoes rehabilitation.

In the video interview, Anne, mother of two, explains how she made a full recovery (video is in German - please activate subtitle and choose your language):


Things that helped her recover:

  • Listening to recovery stories, especially with Raelan Agle
  • TCM nutrition, acupuncture
  • Coaching from a psychologist who had ME/CFS
  • Book by Alex Howard "Decode your fatigue"
  • Psychotherapy
  • Qigong: Anne is a qigong teacher and has used this technique extensively to calm her nervous system, listen to herself, work through emotions and release them. She mainly practiced "silent qigong", focusing on breathing and sounds rather than movements
  • She got herself a small dog, which activated her physically in a gentle way

Tips for mothers:


  • Involve the kids, explain the illness "simply" and why "mom" needs to rest a lot, accept help, prioritize, when the kids are out of the house or busy, focus fully on recovery

Anne's message: "Don't be afraid of life changing. It can be a win."

How to find Anne Paul (in German):


Instagram: @qigong_bei_longcovid


Translated with a translator program


The content on this page is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for talking to your doctor or other therapist. Please talk to your doctor or therapist before making any decisions about your physical or mental health. Every way into a mind-body syndrome is something individual, and every way out.