Long Covid, POTS & ME/CFS recovery: How Lisa got well again


Dr. Martina Melzer, published: 09/02/24


Psychologist and yoga teacher Lisa Antifaiff was diagnosed with Covid-19 - like so many people. It started with shortness of breath, nausea, loss of appetite and other symptoms. Over time, she suffered from severe fatigue, weakness, POTS and cognitive impairment. She visited doctors and hospitals until it became clear that she had Long Covid, and later also ME/CFS and POTS symptoms.

In the video interview, she explains what she tried on her 3-year recovery journey and what helped her to make a full recovery (in German, please activate subtitle and choose your language):

Helpful things from the recovery journey:

  • Meditating, stretching and gentle yoga while lying down, along with breathing
  • A hopeful mindset, becoming active myself, out of the helplessness of “nobody can save me, I have to take my recovery into my own hands”
  • Nutrient therapy
  • Anti-inflammatory diet (no alcohol, caffeine, gluten, industrial sugar)
  • Daily routines
  • The combination of yoga and psychology
  • Support from a psychotherapist
  • A stay at the hospital for naturopathy in Munich was good on the one hand, but on the other hand the hyperthermia carried out there was far too much and rather harmful
  • Dealing with fears and worries differently, listening to your body, seeing your body as a friend, self-care
  • Setting small challenges when motivation is low: thinking about things that were still outside her comfort zone, working on them with brain retraining and visualization, making vision boards, thinking about specific events, motivating herself to be able to do them again
  • Doing things that she enjoys, even if she was not yet healthy, especially training to become a yoga teacher - despite initial reservations
  • Social support

Her message: “Follow the example of those who have recovered. Listen to yourself and your gut feeling. Recovery is possible!”

How to find Lisa Antifaiff:

Website (German):

Youtube channel (German and English):

Translated with DeepL


The content on this page is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for talking to your doctor or other therapist. Please talk to your doctor or therapist before making any decisions about your physical or mental health. Every way into a mind-body syndrome is something individual, and every way out.