Lotte's ME/CFS and POTS recovery


Dr. Martina Melzer, published: 09/18/24


Lotte's illness was triggered by the third coronavirus vaccination, although in hindsight she sees this as the straw that broke the camel's back. She then developed severe fatigue, flu symptoms, chronic pain, POTS symptoms, breathlessness, sensitivity to stimuli and much more. At her worst, she was confined to bed.

After it became clear that she had ME/CFS, Lotte said to herself: “I don't accept that this is incurable”. And so began her recovery process. In the video interview, she explains openly and very personally what helped her the most (in German, please activate subtitles):


What didn't help Lotte:


  • Pacing
  • Food supplements
  • Conventional medical approaches
  • Breathing techniques with Lung Capacity/Breathing Trainer and the Buteyko method (mindful breathing techniques based on inner work did help)
  • Brain retraining (was not sufficient, but helped to alleviate symptoms)

What helped:


  • The CFS School program was a “life changer” for her and the foundation of her continued journey
  • Above all, a lot of inner work led to her healing, as she says: working with inner parts, her emotions, needs, beliefs, truths, finding her “own power”, understanding symptoms as a manifestation of deeper beliefs and unfulfilled needs, allowing anger and sadness, but also joy and pleasure, giving inner parts a voice, finding the true self
  • A spiritual sojourn in Indonesia. Here she encountered and deepened many other facets of inner work (including inner child work, tobacco ceremony, yoga, energy work, psychedelic breath, family constellations, feminine embodiment practices, etc.).
  • Learning from and with Sarah Kimberley (IG thesarahkimberley // Website
  • Lotte also talks very openly about setbacks and that they are part of the process, that you can learn from them, that they show you that a need has not been met, that you have not yet understood something, and that things can stagnate for a long time before continuing uphill
  • She also learned how symptoms can be understood as an expression of a fight/flight/freeze reaction, how the anxiety cycle can exacerbate symptoms and how transformative dealing with and healing this anxious part can be

Lotte's message: “Believe in yourself. No matter how dark it is right now, see that little light at the end of the tunnel.”

Here's how to find Lotte:

Instagram: @aneedtofeel

Translated with


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