ME/CFS: Sabine's recovery

Dr. Martina Melzer, published: 02/17/25


Sabine Madani is a non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy, yoga and MBSR teacher, among other things. She works independently and in a day clinic, then she gets an infection. She is in a very stressful phase of her life and the coronavirus pandemic takes its toll on her. She constantly feels “sickly”, drags herself through the days, visits her GP, who can't help her, and gets more symptoms.

A TCM doctor is understanding, but he himself is struggling with exhaustion. Then she finds Professor Michael Stark, who finally diagnoses her with ME/CFS. In the video interview, Sabine tells us what helped her. The video is in German, please activate the subtitle and chosse your language.


What was helpful on her recovery journey:

  • My blog
  • Raelan Agle's YouTube channel
  • Toby Maguire's YouTube channel (CFS Health)
  • Books: Alex Howard - Your way out of exhaustion, Gabor Maté - When the body says no
  • The online self-help program from Prof. Stark (German)
  • Acceptance, letting go, adopting a healing mindset, finding a daily structure & baseline
  • Relaxation techniques, yoga nidra, somatic tracking, neurogenic tremoring (TRE)
  • She trained as an IFS therapist (Internal Family Systems), which was another breakthrough. Because it was a lot about self-awareness. She got to know her inner parts and also the emotional burden she was carrying, all of which took a lot of energy and she had to change that.
  • Setting boundaries, changing contacts with some people, journaling

Her message: “Never lose heart, there is a way out”.

How to find Sabine Madani:

Website (German):

Instagram: @sabine.madani 


Youtube (German):

Translated with DeepL

The content on this page is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for talking to your doctor or other therapist. Please talk to your doctor or therapist before making any decisions about your physical or mental health. Every way into a mind-body syndrome is something individual, and every way out.